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Minggu, Januari 08, 2017

Anak Panah/Arrow Menggantung, Menembus atau Memantul dari Target? Ini Aturannya!

Apa rasanya kalo pas pertandingan arrow kita kena kuning tapi mantul dan disuruh nembak ulang? Hahaha...

Nah, terus apa yang harus kamu lakuin kalo arrow/anak panahmu ngegantung di target atau mantul? Sesuai aturan FITA/World Archery, kamu harus:

1. Berenti nembak tapi tetep berdiri di shooting line
2. Peserta yang satu bantalan suruh berenti nembak juga
3. Panggil juri, kasitau bahwa anak panahmu ngegantung atau mantul di bantalan target
4. Peserta selain yang satu bantalan denganmu lanjutin nembak sampe beres rambahan tersebut.
5. Kamu (khusus yang anak panahnya ngegantung atau mantul) jalan berdua sama juri ke target buat liat bekas perkenaan anak panahnya.

  • Untuk arrow menggantung (nempel di bantalan tapi ampir jatoh karena nancepnya cuma dikit), kan keliatan tuh nancepnya dimana. Tinggal ditulis skornya sama juri, terus bekas perkenaannya ditandain, lalu anak panahnya dicabut. 
    • Kalo arrownya ngegantung di pantat arrow lain (robin hood), maka skor arrow yang ngegantung sama dengan arrow yang nancep duluan.
Arrow menggantung di pantat arrow lain (Robin Hood)
  • Buat arrow yang mantul:
    • Cari bekas tancepan anak panah di target yang belum ada tandanya, kalo cuma ada 1 lubang yang belum ditandain berarti itulah skornya. Abis skornya ditulis, bekas tancepannya ditandain seperti biasa pake pulpen atau spidol.
    • Kalo ada lebih dari 1 lubang yang belum ditandain, yang diambil adalah nilai yang paling kecil. Kecuali ada bukti fisik lain yang membuktikan titik perkenaan anak panah yang mantul tersebut (hmm, kayak video kali ya)
    • Kalo misal anak panahmu mantul gara2 ngehantem nock anak panah yang nancep sebelumnya, nilai anak panah yang mantul sama dengan anak panah yang kehantem tersebut. Asal kerusakan anak panah pertama terbukti (misal nocknya patah).
    • Kalo bekas tancepannya gak ada berarti arrow dinyatakan MISS. Kenapa? Karena di aturan FITA 2010 ada yang bunyinya begini "Under no circumstances may an arrow be re-shot." Yang berarti gak ada yang namanya tembakan ulang dalam keadaan apapun! Kalo ada, berarti gak ada gunanya kita nandain perkenaan setiap mau nyabut arrow kan?

    6. Anak panah yang ngegantung atau mantul ditaro dulu di belakang bantalan sampe rambahan tersebut beres dinilai semua. Kan tadi peserta satu bantalan berenti nembak semua.

    7. Pada saat lapangan sudah clear ga ada orang lagi, kamu dan peserta yang satu bantalan denganmu bisa mulai nembak lagi. Tapi peserta lain gak boleh berdiri di shooting line. Selanjutnya seperti biasa.

    Kekecualian: Pada pertandingan babak aduan ronde indoor, compound, dan olimpiade. Anak panah nembus, ngegantung, atau mantul dari bantalan gak boleh menghentikan kompetisi.

    Anak panah yang nembus bantalan target diperlakukan sama dengan anak panah yang mantul dalam hal penilaian.

    Aturan diatas adalah aturan pertandingan resminya, kalo mau diikutin boleh, tapi kalo nggak mau juga gapapa selama bukan pertandingan resmi dari FITA/WA, apalagi kalo sekedar latihan. Hahaha...

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    - Dengan berbelanja di toko papatembak, Anda telah berkontribusi terhadap keberlangsungan blog ini. Kalo dagangan saya laku, saya jadi punya banyak waktu buat nulis. Haha...

    Nyareri awak,
    Azhar A. Suryadiningrat

    Lampiran, buat yang lebih ngerti pake bahasa Enggris. Potongan dari buku peraturan World Archery Book 3 (tentang Target Archery), Chapter 14 (tentang scoring):

    14.2.6. An arrow hitting:
    The target butt and rebounding or hanging from the target, shall score, in the case of a rebound arrow, according to the mark it makes on the target face, provided that all the other arrow holes have been marked and an unmarked hole or mark can be identified and, in the case of a hanging arrow, as it lies in the target face.

    When a rebound or hanging arrow occurs:
    All athletes on that target butt shall stop shooting but remain on the shooting line, calling a Judge;
    When all athletes on the shooting line for that end have finished shooting their arrows or the time limit has expired, whichever is appropriate, the Director of Shooting shall interrupt the shooting. The athlete with the rebound or hanging arrow shall go to the target butt together with a Judge, who shall decide the point of impact of the rebound arrow or determine the value of the hanging arrow, note the value, remove the hanging arrow and mark the hole. The Judge shall later participate in scoring that end. The rebound or hanging arrow is to be left behind the target butt until that complete end has been scored. When the field is clear, the Director of Shooting shall give the signal for those athletes on the target butt where the rebound or hanging arrow occurred to continue shooting;
    These athletes shall complete their end of three or six arrows, before general shooting or scoring is resumed. No other athlete is to occupy the shooting line. The target butt and passing completely through the butt, provided all arrow holes have been marked and provided an unmarked hole can be identified, shall score according to the value of the unmarked hole in the target face. Another arrow in the nock and remaining embedded therein shall score the same value as the arrow struck. Another arrow and deflecting into the target face shall score as it lies in the target face. Another arrow, and then rebounding, shall score the value of the struck arrow, provided the damaged arrow can be identified. A target face other than an athlete’s own target face shall be considered part of that end and score as a miss. Outside the outermost scoring zone of the target face shall score as a miss.

    14.2.7. An arrow found on the ground in the shooting lane or behind the target butt, which has been claimed as a bouncer or pass through, shall, in the opinion of the Judge(s), have first hit the target butt. If more than one unmarked hole is located in the scoring zone of the target face after a bouncer or pass through has occurred, the value of the lowest scoring hole shall be given to the athlete, unless physical evidence may give the correct score of the arrow.

    14.2.8. In the Olympic, Compound and Indoor Match Rounds arrows rebounding, passing through the butt or hanging from it shall not stop the competition.

    14.2.9. A miss shall be recorded as "M" in the scorecard.

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